Authentication/Authorization Handling for Basil

Basil does not handle authentication (logging in a user) and it only handles authorization to access resources by passing around bearer tokens – tokens are given to Basil who passes them to resource servers.

Most of the bearer tokens used are JWT encoded tokens.

The steps are:

UserAuth Passed to Basil

Basil is invoked with a Base64 encoded JSON string. This string includes an ‘auth’ section which contains at least:

    "auth": {
        "SessionKey": "01234567890123456789",
        "UserAuth": "012345678901234567890123456789"

where SessionKey is a string that uniquely identifies this Basil session and UserAuth is a token from the authentication service that Basil can pass in server to authenticate the user and request a session.

Both of these strings come from the authentication service and their interpretation and representation is opaque to Basil. UserAuth will most commonly be a JWT token generated by some login or OAuth2 service.

This SessionKey is an identifier from the authentication service or the overall user control application. The SessionKey will be sent from Basil to multiple SpaceServer services and can be used to group the multiple connections.

Basil Connecting to a SpaceServer

The JSON encoded invocation parameter string also includes a comm section which gives the URL and service type for Basil to connect to. If the service is a SpaceServer, Basil will do a SpaceServer.OpenConnection() request. The “IProps” parameter passed in the SpaceServer.OpenConnection() request will have the contents:

    "IProps": {
        "SessionKey": "01234567890123456789",
        "Auth": "012345678901234567890123456789",
        "ClientAuth": "012345678900123456789"

where SessionKey and Auth contain the values passed to Basil by the authentication service, and ClientAuth is an authentication token generated by Basil an passed to the SpaceServer. The SpaceServer will return this value when making requests to the BasilServer to verify the request source.

The SpaceServer.OpenSession() request, if successful, returns properties that point to asset services and tokens authorizing access to those services. The properties are coded as:

    "SessionKey": "01234567890123456789",
    "ConnectionKey": "65656565656565656",
    "SessionAuth": "98765432109876543210987654321",

where SessionKey is a replay of SessionKey from the invocation, SessionAuth is a new authorization token that Basil will return in future SpaceServer requests to authorize access.

SessionKey identifies the Basil session while ConnectionKey is a unique identification for the communication connection initiated through the SpaceServer.OpenConnection() request. It can be used to manage flow control, authorization, and other communication requirements.


A Basil renderer will receive MakeConnecion() requests that command it to connect to another service. The request includes the connection address, the service type, and the authorization keys to access that service.

The properties sent in the MakeConnection() request will include at least:

"Properties": {
    "Service": "SpaceServer",
    "TransportURL": "ServiceConnectionURL",
    "ServiceAuth": "9872039847983723974"

where ServiceAuth contains the authorization token that is returned by Basil in the requests to the service.

The handshake is:

Since Basil will be talking to another service after this, the response to MakeConnection() does not include any useful information other than an Exception of the connection is not allowed.

Server Request Authorization

When accessing a server (BasilServer or SpaceServer), the request includes a ‘SessionAuth’ which is usually a JWT token. This provides the authorization key for the request to the server.

JWT Information

((Description of the assertions coded into the JWTs))

Token Renewal

((Use of SpaceServer.RenewSession() request to renew access tokens.))

The service description/authorization JSON string sent to Basil includes a name for that service. This name is a unique identifier for that service/authorization association. That name is used in the SpaceServer.RenewSession() request to get an updated authorization for the service.

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